Information on Specific Careers
Eclectic collection from real people doing real jobs in all walks of life.
American Academy of Forensic Scientists
Career information as well as links to universities that offer training in forensics.
Educational and scholarship opportunities for students who want to become chefs.
Although this site is maintained for professionals working in the field, it has a section for students.
The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture site has information on high school preparation, selecting a school and a list of schools.
Articles aboutvarious carrers that art majors can have-toy design, patternamaking, film directions - for example.
Career information maintained by professional art therapy association.
This site, maintain by the audio engineering society, has links to schools where a student may study audio engineering, internships, and a description of the career itself.
Backdoor JobsShort term, mostly summer jobs in interesting fields give students a taste of careers in these areas: adventure jobs, camps, ranches & resort jobs, winter ski resort. jobs in the outdoor, nature lover jobs, sustainable living & farming work, artistic & learning adventures, heartfelt work and transitions abroad.Be an Actuary
Learn about this profession and how to prepare for it in high school. Site also has a list of actuarial colleges.
Discover how from the site of the American Society of Travel Agents. Or, if you need to find a travel school, visit the online member directory and select "Travel Schools" as the business type. You can narrow your search by location.
Becomopedia- How to Become Anything
Comprehensive site includes many careers grouped by cluster.
Build Your Future in Construction
Created by the Associated Contractors and Builders, online resource introduces new and experienced workers to a career in the trades.
Building Trades Apprenticeship Programs
Information on getting into the trades in metropolitan Chicago. Programs from bricklayer to tuckpointer are included. along with specific enrollment requirement information and dates.
Comprehensive site from the University of Manitoba provides links to career information ranging from accountant to writer.
Career Descriptions, Data and Schools
Comprehensive site includes job projections, deians salaries and individual interviews with professionals working in a huge variety of fields.
Career OverviewThis free site provides reliable and up to date career information and reviews in a large variety of fields. The data is provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Careers in Botany
Comprehensive career information from the Botanical Society of America.
Students frequently ask: “What is communication and what can I do with a communication degree? What kind of job can a communication major get and how do I choose the right school?” If you are asking these questions, the table of contents is designed to take you directly to the answers. If you need more information than what is contained here, you’ll find a list of electronic and printed resources.
Career information and lists of schools where students can prepare to be a dentist, dental hygienist, dental lab technician, or dental assistant.
Careers in the GeosciencesGuide to geoscience careers and employers, careers brochure, online careers video, geoscientist profiles, guide to geoscience departments and articles about working in the field.Careers in Medicine
Site sponsored by the American Association of Medical Colleges has links to: career information, how to make the decision, getting into medical school and financial planning.
Site with extensive links to information about careers in marine biology, oceanography, zoos, and marine science.
Careers for psych majors as well as graduate level careers from Georgia Southern University.
Careers Using Foreign LanguagesA knowledge of one or more foreign languages can be useful in a wide range of careers. For some jobs, such as translating, interpreting and language teaching, language skills are one of the main requirements. For other jobs a combination of languages and other qualifications, knowledge or skills may be needed. For example, people with languages plus IT, law, finance or sales skills are much sought-after. Careers with AnimalsThose who are interested in animal careers have expansive options available to them—from the type of animals they want to work with to the settings that they feel are most rewarding. This guide explores and explains the different career paths that are available in this occupational sector, including the education that is needed to get a job, the salaries that top animal careers command, and the types of organizations that are looking to hire caring and compassionate animal lovers.Choosing a Veterinary Career
Although this site is sponored by the University of Georgia vet school, it provides an objective description of this most popular career choice.
Site run by the American Society of Civil Engineers gives young people the information they need to determine if this is a good career choice for them.
Civil Engineering CareerTipsSuccessful professionals and educators share their thoughts on career paths, advice onclasses, and starting positions CNA Nursing Schools
Provides current information on becoming a nurse. CNA work is an entry-level position among a large field of nursing careers, and the site not only provides information about how to become a CNA, but makes information available and helpful to earn higher salary potentials as any type of nurse in the vast world of health care.
Schools, scholarships, and career information for the construction industry.
Court Reporters & Broadcast Captioners
This objective site put out by a professional organization describes job responsibilities, salary, and employment outlook.
Criminal JusticeTrying to figure out which criminal justice or law enforcement career to pursue, or simply finding the ideal criminal justice job, can be a difficult--and quite frequently time consuming--endeavor. was established to help criminal justice and law enforcement students as well as aspiring criminal justice career professionals make better, more informed job and career choices by providing them with relevant, reliable and up-to-date career development and job search resource.This is a non-commercial website and relieson the contribution of content, information and resources from other criminal justice professionals, law enforcement organizations, as well as destination websites.Dentistry
Career information and links to university programs maintained by the American Dental Association.
Dictionary of Occupational Titles
All 12,741 DOT job descriptions, indexed alphabetically, and instantly accessible from your browser, free of charge.
Lots of people don't really understand what engineering is, especially all of its specialties. Visit this site to find out more and play cool engineering games.
Get the basics on the field, find a nursing program in your area, or search through hundreds of nurse scholarships.
A guide for high school students interested in engineering and technology for high school students. Information on 20+ engineering specialties and places to study.
Comprehensive site includes information and current articles from the countless different occupations that comprise the medical profession.
See what it takes to become an FBI agent and why some posts are more dashing than others. At the Finance Division you'll pour over payroll rather than case bank robbers.
Flying Fish trains and recruits yacht skippers and sail, dive, surf, windsurf, kitesurf, ski and snowboard instructors. After training, you can get a professional job in sailing, diving, surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, skiing or snowboarding.
Gemological Institute of America
If you are interested in being a jeweler, this professional site has links to education opportunities all over the country as well as on line.
This site is created by a student who recently went through the medical school application process and wishes to share what he learned.
Site sponsored by Seaworld and Busch Gardens discusses what it's like to work with animals at their parks as well as zoo careers in general.
Comprehensive site provides information about many health related careers and links to schools that provide the appropriate training. Also has extensive links to related professional organizations and current salary information.
The American Society of Interior Designers is a nonprofit professional society representing the interior design community. Its site is host to all sorts of information -- from education to conference listings to photo tours of award-winning interiors.
This California based site has links to many specific career sites with information from professionals at work in those fields.
Explore health and medical science careers.
The site will introduce you to a wide range of marine career fields and to people working in those fields. It features professionals in the field telling you what the like and dislike about their careers and what they see for the future in the field.
Career information and list of schools where you can learn massage therapy.
Medical Assistant DegreesProvides impartialinformation on medical assistant training programs for those looking to pursue a career in the medical assisting field.Medical School Success
This site was created by a current medical school student who wants to share what medical school is like, what schools to apply to, how to apply, how to get in, how to do better than average in class, how to fund the costsand how to make free time to stay sane in the sea of medical information.
Learn about thisprofession and find training programs by degree level and location.
Career information for all branches of the military.
Comprehensive site with links to many others that contain information for students considering a vet career.
Trying to figure out which fields of nursing to pursue, or simply finding the perfect nursing job, can be a difficult and often time consuming endeavor. was established to help nursing students as well as seasoned nursing professionals make better, more informed career and job choices by providing them with the most relevant, reliable and up-to-date occupational, career development, and job search information available.This is a non-commercial website and relies on the contribution of information, content, and resources from other medical and nursing professionals, nursing and healthcare organizations, as well as other related destination websites.
Site maintained by professionals in the field contains information on specific nursing specialties and links to nursing schools around the world.
Searchable data base has extensive collection of scholarship and career information as well as the tools to search for suitable schools.
Assistance in choosing a program, selecting a school, securing financial assistance, getting connected with your peers and future colleagues.
Schools organized by state, requirements, slaray and job outlook.
The Paleontological Research Institution describes what paleontologists study and tells the sad truth: good jobs are almost as scare as T. Rex skeletons.
This site sponsored by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, has information about pharmacy careers, schools which offer degrees for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, requirements and other FAQ for this field.
Career information and accredited programs - sponsored by American Physical Therapy Association.
Site sponsored by PA professional organization has links to training programs by state and information about what the career involves and certification.
This website was established to help aspiring psychologists, psychology students and job seekers make better, more informed career choices by providing them with relevant, reliable and up-to-date career development, job search and employment information. is a non-commercial website and relies on the contribution of information, content, and resources from other psychology professionals, eductors and destination websites.
Learn about the many careers that people hold in schoolsbesides classroom teacher. Special certification questions are also addressed.
Social Work GuideHow to Become a Social Worker: answer syour most important questions about the social work field as a whole, salary and job figures, possible educational paths, and the best schools in the field. Site includes helpful advice from social work experts and explain in depth the specific, up-to-date licensure requirements for each state so that you can decide not only where to go to school but also where you might want to start your career.Starting a New CareerTo have the best career possible, you need to figure out what you’re good at and align those skills with what you want to do. This process takes time, effort, and lots of research. The information in this section can help you navigate the process. Learn more about different careers and industries and get various resources to help you throughout your professional life.Tomorrow's Doctors
The American Association of Medical Colleges provides information and tools for current and future medical students. Explore careers in medicine, and find out how to pay for and get into medical school.
Undergraduate Majors & Interests
Extensive site from the University of North Texas links careers to the majors available on campus.
Portal site provides a huge variety of education and careers related resources.
This web site dispels the notion that there are only a few animal-related careers. It delves into the education needed to work with critters as well as where the work can be found.
VeterinariansSite sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association lists all the veterinary colleges in the US by state as well as career information. The site also has a similar page that lists Veterinary Techniciantraining programs. Working with Animals
You'd like to have a career working with animals, but aren't sure exactly what you want to do? This site offers suggestions to aid your search for the perfect job.