Special Education Issues


Resource site for females with ADD, containing articles on support groups, resources, and links to other ADD sites.AHEAD

For fee organzation is a coaching, mentoring & personal advocacy for college students with Asperger's Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), High-Functioning Autism, Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities and Non-Verbal Learning Disability (NVLD)

Attention Deficit Disorder

Information from CHADD (Children & Adults with Deficit Disorders) on diagnosing and treating individuals with attention deficit disorder. College Guide for Students with Disabilities

This guide coves topics such as transitioning into college, rightsofstudents with disabilities, disability documentation, scholarsips, choosing the right school,and many other helpful resources forstudents with disabilities.

College Internship Program

The College Internship Program provides individualized, post-secondary, academic, internship and independent living experiences at four different locations for young adults with Learning Differences and Aspergers Syndrome

College Living Experience

Acommercial program specifically designed to complement a post-secondary education and independent living experience.It assist students in completing college and transitioning to independent living. Students range from low average to gifted IQs with diagnoses such as ADD, LD, NLD and autistic spectrum disorders like Asperger’s Syndrome and high-functioning autism.

College Planning for the High Functioning Student with Autism

College is a tremendous opportunity for many individuals on the autistic spectrum. Little has been written on preparing for college, as opposed to surviving once there. This preparation should ideally have an early start. Based on the speaker’s own experiences both as a college professor and an individual on the autistic spectrum, strategies for selecting colleges, handling high school course work, and taking standardized exams are discussed. Using strengths to compensate for areas of difficulty is emphasized.College Resources for Students with Disabilities

This site discusses the legal rights that disabled students have in accessing education. It has links to resources, software, websites and apps that will help such students find success.EllipticalReviews

Site which sells ellipticalmachines, discusses the benefits of exercise for students with ADHD.Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network

Searchable database to find out who to contact to get answers to your questions about managing food allergies on campus. The database includes College Representatives and Student Ambassadors, who are students already attending school. They have valuable insight to share about living with food allergies at their college or university.Goodcall

Overview of college resources for students with disabilities. Site also includes a list of disability specific scholarships and rights for students with disabilites that are attending college. 

Guide to Attending University for Students with Psychiatric Disabilities

Although this site originates in Canada, it contains much useful advice for a disabled student who wants to succeed on a college campus.

HEATH Resource Center 

National clearinghouse on post secondary education for individuals with disabilities, sponsored by George Washington University. KAARME

This site assists learning disabled students with colleges that will help them to achieve academic success depnding on what levels of services they need.. The site is managed by a nationally known expert in the field and also includes articles and other resources for students researching and preparing for their future in college.Landmark College 

Highly regarded college in Vermont that devotes its curriculum exclusively to provided ambitious and motivated students with learning disabilities or ADHD with the skills needed for academic success. 

LD Online

Interactive learning guide on disabilities for parents, children and educators. 

National Attention Deficit Disorder Association 

Topics included in this site include: ABC's of ADD, research, treatment, coaching, books on ADD, career & work, family issues, legal issues, school & ADD, support groups, teen's area, websites, women & ADD, and work & career. Support for Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesEven if a student with intellectual disabilities isn’t yet prepared for the rigors of a full degree program, that doesn’t mean there aren’t countless other paths offered at college campuses to help them transition into independent adulthood. Students can use the map to find similar programs in their area.