Study Skills

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

Success, however it’s defined, takes action, and taking good and appropriate action takes skills. Some of these skills are taught in school, others are taught on the job, and still others we learn from general life experience.Site includes list of general skills that will help anyone get ahead in practically any field, from running a company to running a gardening club. These skills are not specialized, but use in any profession.

College Atlas

Extensive collection of how-to-study guides and advice on test preparation, memorization, time management and specific academic areas.

Education Corner

Study skills guides for students will provide advice for learning to learn how to learn more effectively. Active listening, reading comprehension, notetaking, stress management, time management, testing taking, and memorization are only a few of the topics addressed. 

Great Schools

This site is geared toward parents who want to help their children be successful in school. In addition to help with homework and studying, it also explains new developments in educations that may be unfamiliar to parents from their own time in school.

How To Study

Large site offers links to many topics in the learning,studying, and test taking arenas.

How To Study

Site is very methodical and organized and has links that take youthrough all the process involved in studying effectively such as: Getting Ready - How to prepare and set goals, Taking In - How to get information, Processing - How to work with information, Output - How to take tests, write papers, and work on projects, How to Study... and How to Write - for specific subjects.

Improving Memory Retention

Good general advice as well as links to other websites that give advice on how to improve your memory.

Info Please

Information about taking good notes, reading textbooks, studying for tests, and writing essay tests.

Learning Strategies for Success

Although thissite is geared toward distance learning, it has a comprehensive collections of articles about writing essays, preparing for tests, test aqnxiety, reading for meaning and retention, staying focused, etc.


Learning guides for many of the books and academic stujects typically studied in high school. 

Sites to Improve Your Academic Success

Collection of web sites that provide tips to help you study more effectively, manage your time, take better notes, and handle the stresses of college life. 

Study Skills

Comprehensive site includes sections on how to study, test preparation, taking notes, and study skills. Not every students learns best in the same way. This site provides a vareity of alternatives.

Study Skills Guide

Collection of studying resources for reading and writing, test taking, time management, memory techniques and specific subject skills

Study Guide Zone

Tips on listening in class, college prep schedules, how to be a good student, learning styles, note taking, systematic reading, forming a study group, motivation for college, time management, effective studying, math fear, beating the stress, test anxiety, nervousness, and test taking techniques.

Study Stack

This site features a flash cards approach for many different academic areas including foreign language, math, science, math, geography and history. Scroll down to find questions appropriate for high school age students.

Study Strategies

Study Strategies site from the University of Minnesota contains a study skills survey, information about time management, memorization, learning styles, and study techniques. 

Test Phobia

Twenty specific suggestions to help students cope with a phobia that prevents them from demonstrating what they know.

Writing Tips

Information for students who wish to improve their writing. Material is presented here in small, bite-size nuggets, designed for the age of information overload. One time $2.50 fee.